Reflexology is a beautiful way of relaxing your body and mind. However, there are a lot of myths surrounding its benefits and possibilities. In the first of my reflexology myth-busting posts, I address some of the most common questions that we get asked. So here we go – which reflexology points induce labour?
Q: Which reflexology points induce labour?
A: None of them
Sorry ladies – if that baby isn’t ready, no amount of reflexology, pineapple, curry or walking up steep hills is going to entice them out. Reputable and highly trained reflexologists would never claim that they can induce labour.
Reflexology will, however, relax your mind and body. If you know someone who swears that reflexology started her labour, chances are that she and her baby were ready anyway. The relaxing nature of reflexology probably made the mother feel safe and secure and therefore ready to start the hard work of labour and birth.
If you or your partner is feeling fed up and your due date had come and gone with no fireworks, try and enjoy this calm before the storm of parenthood. If it’s your first baby, you might be able to have some cheeky naps at your own leisure. You can eat your meals without interruption, go for walks, seek out a pregnancy yoga class, get a massage or reflexology treatment…
It’s time to try and let go of the rush – take it from someone whose three babies all arrived 16 days past their due dates – there’s plenty of time for rushing at other points in our lives.
As an important side note, there are lots of myths about late pregnancy. If you feel like anything is not right or you are not sure about what is ‘normal’, please get in touch with your midwife or healthcare provider – you won’t be bothering them, that’s what they are for. The NHS website and the Kicks Count organisation have really valuable resources.